Sprout Up Movement: Strategy Formulation Based on Factors Influencing Youth Intent to Pursue Agriculture

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Arvin Joshua P. Barlongo


Analysts predict the Philippines will face a deficit of farmers in the next 10 to 12 years, as the average age of farmers is 55 to 59 years. This challenges food security, with fewer youth interested in agriculture. To address this, the Sprout Up Movement was launched in 2022 to highlight the personal stories of those in agriculture through social media, to rebrand agriculture and engage young people. Theory of Planned Behavior argues that perceived behavioral control (PBC), including employment opportunities and personal confidence, significantly impacts attitudes toward agriculture, affecting subjective norms and intention to pursue an agriculture-related degree. A surprising finding is the indirect relationship between PBC and intention, mediated by attitude, a connection not widely explored in existing research. Strategies were developed using pseudo-quantitative methods like Internal Factor Evaluation and External Factor Evaluation, along with the I-E Matrix, SWOT Matrix, and Quantitative Strategy Planning (QSP) Matrix. The QSP matrix suggests the best path forward for the Sprout Up Movement involves expanding and building partnerships with higher education institutions and enhancing social media content to highlight employment opportunities and boost the youth’s confidence to pursue agriculture-related careers.

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