Life in the Dumps: Experiences of Garbage Collectors at Irisan Dumpsite, Baguio City

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Thalia Marie T. Estonanto


This qualitative case study delves into the daily routines, health hazards, and safety precautions of garbage collectors at Irisan Dumpsite to fully understand their experiences. Using a case study research design and qualitative approach, the study fills existing gaps in the literature about blue-collar workers' perspectives, particularly in the context of trash management. The daily routines of waste collectors at Irisan Dumpsite were revealed, depicting a difficult and frequently dangerous situation. The study examines the health risks linked with their profession, emphasizing the absence of insurance coverage, insufficient protective equipment, and exposure to harmful materials. Garbage collectors use safety precautions such as jackets, raincoats, facemasks, safety gloves, boots, headlamps, and personal hygiene routines to reduce dangers and protect their well-being. The case study methodology offers a contextual and in-depth insight into six garbage collectors' lives, providing light on the obstacles they face daily, their job performance, and their impact on their families. The paper recommends legislative measures to improve garbage collectors' working conditions and shift cultural perspectives, including full insurance coverage, equitable distribution of safety equipment, and public awareness initiatives. This study adds greatly to understanding the oftenoverlooked lives of garbage collectors in the waste management system by providing practical and context-specific information.

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