Verification on Energy Digestibility in Ground Yellow Corn, Rice Bran, and Copra Expeller Fed to 10kg to 15kg Benguet Native Pigs

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Mineralito F. Simon Mary Arnel D. Garcia


Digestible and metabolizable energy contents of feed ingredients are important in swine nutrition as they directly influence feed utilization efficiency and growth performance. By accurately measuring these parameters, producers can formulate diets tailored to pigs' energy needs at various growth stages, leading to improved feed efficiency, reduced costs, and minimized environmental impacts. In this study, a digestibility trial was carried out to determine the digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) in ground yellow corn, rice bran, and copra expeller fed to Benguet native pigs with body weights ranging from 10kg to 15kg (102 to 127 days old) to confirm digestibility values obtained from a previous study. The total fecal collection method following the marker-to-marker approach was employed using chromic oxide as a marker to indicate the start and end of fecal collection. Ground yellow corn had 3,669 DE and 3,522 ME kcal/kg with an apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of 90.17%, whereas, rice bran had 4,364 DE and 4,189 ME kcal/kg with an ATTD of 84.14%. Copra expeller had 4,921 DE and 4,724 ME kcal/kg with an ATTD of 80.78%. The DE and ME values for ground yellow corn and rice bran are close to the values obtained in the previous study verified; however, values for copra expeller are different. These results are important in the establishment of feeding standards for Benguet native pigs weighing 10kg to 15kg.

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