Upscaling Organic Agriculture System of La Trinidad, Benguet Farmers

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Christine Grace B. Sidchogan-Fuchigami Faith B. Napudo


In Benguet, Philippines, farmers are shifting to organic agriculture (OA) for them to produce safe food. The objectives of the study are to: describe the production techniques employed by farmers and organizations; describe the marketing techniques employed by farmers and organizations; and identify their motivations in venturing into the organic farming system. The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet. The study used mixed methods, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods The quantitative data was presented descriptively. As in exploratory studies, the qualitative data was presented narratively. Highlight results show that organic agriculture is driven by both men and women although documented narratives in the study show that women were the first ones to have initiated shifting to OA. Organizations were created and established to support OA. To upscale OA production techniques, the farmers identified and described several farming techniques and practices. The marketing techniques are identified and described to upscale OA. There were motivations as to why they ventured into OA such as health and wellness reasons; appreciation of responsible farming; and realization of various forms of empowerment. The documented practices and responses in the study are then recommended to be considered by organizations working on similar advocacy.

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