Effectiveness of K to 12 DepEd-Provided and Teacher- Made Modules on Student Performance in Technology and Livelihood Education Exploratory Subject Areas

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Lorena A. Castro


Transition to K to 12 curriculum is one of the challenges in the Philippine educational system. Teachers and students are faced with problems that need adjustment. The study used a quasi- experiment design to explore the effectiveness of the modules made by the subject area teacher and the modules introduced by the Department of Education (DepEd) to enhance the K to 12 curriculum competencies, particularly in the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) subject area for Grade 7. The study revealed that both modules could be considered effective based on the computed mean scores from the pretest and post-test. Students’ perceived level of satisfaction with the content, format, and instructions of both modules is “very satisfactory.” Students find the teaching strategies and content mastery of the subject area teacher as “excellent.” Based on the findings, any of the two modules may be used when teaching TLE for Grade 7 with some revisions and provision of more “high-tech” facilities to enhance the teaching and learning process further. Providing learning stations to practice the different skills learned in TLE is also recommended. Teachers must continuously update themselves by attending seminars, trainings and coming up with modules containing essential knowledge and skills needed by learners.

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